Friday, 16 December 2011


Well it's about time I made a new post!  The house move is done, and I'm loving our quirky new home by the sea!  The job quitting is done; I'm lucky enough to be in the position where my lovely hubby is happy to do the bread winning while I try my hand at being a domestic goddess and crafting queen - dizzy heights indeed!  So, armed with my gorgeous spotty new chair...

From my favourite shop Freedom
...and my shiny new sewing machine and awesome leather-topped antique sewing table that I got for (almost) a steal on Trade Me...

...I'm finally able to begin sewing for the first time in about 15 years.

My first project was to make a quick pin cushion using this tutorial from one of my favourite blogs Mousehouse.  Here's how mine turned out

With my confidence flying high I decided it would be a good idea to launch myself into making 7 Christmas ornaments for the Kiwi Christmas Ornament Swap hosted by Dione at Sew Funky.  After much Googling and mind-changing I finally settled on making a robin using some Christmas material I'd got from Spotlight and this cute template I found.

Needless to say my inexperience amidst moving house, making the difficult decision to quit my job and the imminent arrival of the parents-in-law (!) proved challenging to say the least.  However it was a valuable learning process and by the time I got to the last ornament I'd finally managed to work out the best way of making each component and the least fiddly way of putting them together!

I decided to ditch the feather tail in the end
Waiting for the final robin before they fly the coop to their new homes
I felt like a child whenever I received any of the other swaps in the post!  They're all beautiful and each one is unique.  I'll post a pic of my tree with them on next time!

Friday, 21 October 2011


Welcome to my first attempt at blogging!  I'm in the process of moving house and it's all very exciting.  I will be back here very soon :o)