Wednesday, 22 February 2012

The List

So I'm averaging one post every 2 months so far!  This is what comes of having only one laptop in the house and a computer specialist (I looked up 'geek' in the thesaurus for a better word!) for a husband.  I now have a laptop I can use a lot more often so there are no more excuses!!

Gosh where to start?  This was initially meant to be a blog about all things crafty but there are so many thoughts buzzing around in my head I've decided to let it be free to evolve into whatever it wants to become :o)

I never used to make New Year resolutions, as like many people I never end up sticking to them.  For some reason though I decided that 2012 was going to be different and at first it was great...  However since about mid-January things have started to slip - surprise!  But I'm cutting myself a break; it may not be 1 January, but there's no reason I can't begin again.  This blog will be my channel for motivation, inspiration and - a big one! - ACCOUNTABILITY!

I'm in a really privileged position where my only responsibilities really are looking after my husband and dog, and keeping the house clean and tidy, and of course looking after myself.  Not surprisingly I've found some days a little aimless and unstructured, and there's nothing worse for motivation, or inspiration for that matter. It's time for more responsibility!

So here's the list:

I've taken a lot of inspiration from one of my favourite blogs Nektar.  It's a really intimate insight into one person's life journey through beautiful words and images and I hope that my journey will be as rewarding and fulfilling.  It was Stephanie at Nektar who inspired me to get off my bum and do one thing towards enriching mine and my family's life with GOOD things.  And something inside me shouted "hey I've got creativity bursting to get out too, maybe this is the way!"  So here's the blog, may the journey begin :o)